What is Coordinated Entry?
The Coordinated Entry system covers the entire geographic area for the CoH (FL- 504 CoC) in which resources are spread out over a two-county area. Part of the overall Coordinated Entry effort entails partnering with existing programs and developing strategic collaborations within the two counties and throughout the multiple municipalities/communities that exist. Coordinated Entry is being enhanced by leveraging existing resources and aligning mainstream resources and existing systems.
Federal partners have recently identified Coordinated Entry as a key component of the coordinated community response to prevent and end youth homelessness in 2020. Coordinated Entry is also required for all housing programs receiving HUD CoC and ESG funding and strongly recommended for all of a community’s homelessness-dedicated resources. In order for these community-wide processes to appropriately serve youth, CoCs need to address the developmental and service needs of unaccompanied homeless youth and ensure that all community stakeholders, including Runaway and Homeless Youth (RHY) providers, child welfare agencies, school systems, systems of justice, workforce systems partners, and other youth-serving organizations, come together for both the planning and implementation of a youth-inclusive Coordinated Entry process.
Currently, each Coordinated Entry site serves as a housing resource within its respective area. Outreach programs, Emergency Shelters and Transitional Housing programs will be able to access housing assistance through direct referrals into the Coordinated Entry portal within the HMIS system and as monitored by the Systems Navigator. A central prioritization list has been developed and is being managed by the Systems Navigator in order to identify the most vulnerable population with the longest duration of homelessness and provide assistance for direct and immediate entry into different housing options. In addition, the system Navigator may directly assist with utility deposits to facilitate entry into housing where no other subsidy is available.
Federal partners have recently identified Coordinated Entry as a key component of the coordinated community response to prevent and end youth homelessness in 2020. Coordinated Entry is also required for all housing programs receiving HUD CoC and ESG funding and strongly recommended for all of a community’s homelessness-dedicated resources. In order for these community-wide processes to appropriately serve youth, CoCs need to address the developmental and service needs of unaccompanied homeless youth and ensure that all community stakeholders, including Runaway and Homeless Youth (RHY) providers, child welfare agencies, school systems, systems of justice, workforce systems partners, and other youth-serving organizations, come together for both the planning and implementation of a youth-inclusive Coordinated Entry process.
Currently, each Coordinated Entry site serves as a housing resource within its respective area. Outreach programs, Emergency Shelters and Transitional Housing programs will be able to access housing assistance through direct referrals into the Coordinated Entry portal within the HMIS system and as monitored by the Systems Navigator. A central prioritization list has been developed and is being managed by the Systems Navigator in order to identify the most vulnerable population with the longest duration of homelessness and provide assistance for direct and immediate entry into different housing options. In addition, the system Navigator may directly assist with utility deposits to facilitate entry into housing where no other subsidy is available.
What does Coordinated Entry provide?
Coordinated Entry - Reports
To view coordinated entry reports click here
or click the "Reports" item under Coordinated Entry in the menu on the left.